Today was a strange day. Gray. Think Mel Gibson in "Payback", except it would be easier to reproduce. Time was spent doing tasks, though not difficult nor frequent, lend themselves to a rather "quick" day. It did have some moments of note and they started early.
In the morning, riding the M16 on a follow up with the hand surgeon, I had an idea to pay homage to one of my favorite blogs and daily reads :
Ugly Outfits New York.Here's my muse :

I'm not sure what you would call it, but it looked like a couture version of a 21 century cat-lady or bag lady. Okay, who am I to criticize here? I have been, since December, sporting a new look (or at the very least trying to) consisting of an accessory that was handmade for me and it was crucial that I wear it out of pure support. One must choose the right place/time to be critical. The strange thing is even though I was wearing it out of a sense of duty, I came to truly like this piece. It is now the keystone of my new look and though it makes me look a bit
Tom Baker, I think it is a key ingredient of geek chic I am fronting. I find myself wearing it all the time, even indoors.

The rest is a blur; Blockbuster, Fresh Direct, Wii, computers, Internet, Facebook, IMDB, subway, rain, cold, gray, customers. And when I think of customers I am reminded of their charm :

At least somebody cares, sometimes.
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