As you can see there is nothing holding the hinge part to the actual cabinet. What you cannot tell from this picture, is that the metal end that connects to the cabinet is warped. I already tried screwing the part back in, but closing the cabinet made the screws violently pop out. I don't want to leave it as is since it does not look sturdy, but at the same time I do not want to stay around work any longer. So here is my American half-ass solution to this problem :

In the morning, I could hammer the metal ends back to their original shape and screw everything back in. This will give me time to sleep on it or even better, the opportunity to pass this problem along to someone else. God bless America. God bless this mess.
UPDATE - 10/7 - So my plan of letting the people responsible for fixing it, actually do it, FAILED. The great American tradition of lip-service continues. I'm not sure the thought of fixing it lasted more than the time I was talking, if at all. I got tired of having a wall of toners "boxing" me in, so I got a couple of screws with nuts and fixed it myself.
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