Majel Barrett-
Roddenberry is know to Star Trek aficionados as the voice of all the computer systems on the various Enterprises, Dr. McCoy's assistant
Nurse Chapel, the first "
Number One", the extravagent Betazoid Lwaxana Troi and the muse of series creator, Gene Roddenberry.
Celestis will unite her remains and what is left of Gene (a part of his remains where shipped into the vastness of space back in '97)
in a space launch, planned for 2010. This makes a trifecta (don't forget
Scotty is already up there) and the overall favorite method of rememberance for Star Trek alumni. Not to detract from Majel, but I am looking forward to the Nimoy/Shatner funeral. Fantastic. Until then, lets hope J.J. Abrams does her and Roddenberry's vision a deserved reboot (though, sadly, I doubt it). RIP Majel.
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