After Miami we took a rain drenched drive down to Key Largo. Other than the rain and some good food (NYC spoils you when it comes to food) this is the only thing that stood out :

After being drenched in Key Largo we made our way down route 1 to Key West (the last island and the end of the road, literally).

Key West is also more touristy than I expected. It seems increasingly difficult to find a place where you can avoid the wandering and slowly moving mass of people called tourists. At least the Key Lime pie is really good.
There are several things I learned about Key West :

Ernest Hemingway's house is guarded like Fort Knox and full of tourists. The same can be said of the southernmost point in the continental US. There was a line at it to take pictures. We drove by, laughing.

There is also an amazingly large wild chicken population on the island:

Not only is there a large chicken population on the island, but they are tree climbers as well :
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