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Thursday, June 19, 2008

More McCarthy

So Andrew McCarthy seems to be following me around. I have seen him multiple times in my neighborhood. This morning he was hailing a cab on the SW side of 9th Ave :

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As I recant my McCarthy sighting, I recall my first meeting with the actor. It was on a crowded F train, several years ago, when we both got on at W4th St. Even though we went in through different doors, we ended up strap-hanging right next to each other. I felt this was too close an opportunity NOT to say anything. The thrill, my youthfulness and exuberance all contributed to me confusing his name and instead referring to him as "the guy from Weekend at Bernie's". He reluctantly shook his heard, turned to me and said "Yes", in the quietest of voices. I then followed that up with praise of his role in said movie, which he reluctantly responded with a quiet "Thank you". I asked what he was up to, but he had had enough and decided it was his stop (or it could have actually been his stop. I don't know.). I figured I had crossed the line and was going to let him exit as gracefully as was possibly left. I learned a valuable lesson that day : Do not engage celebrities, unless they engage you or if there is such a proximity that saying nothing causes more awkwardness. In all cases, be cordial and try to remember their name.


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