Apparently the Al Jazeera reporter was also shocked by the turnaround :
"I could not believe my eyes. We had arrived to interview Mullah Zaif, the Taliban's former ambassador to Pakistan who is now under virtual house-arrest on the outskirts of Kabul, when he walked into the room, sat down on the couch and pulled out an iPhone."
Especially in light of the Taliban's stance on technology :
"During Taliban rule, which ended when the US and its allies rolled in and took control of Kabul in 2001, the leadership had banned just about anything associated with modern technology."
Kabul looked like something out of Fallout 3 :
"There were no televisions, no computers, no radios, no music and though iPhones were not around back then, they most certainly would not have been allowed."

When asked about his iPhone : "His response was pretty much the same as everyone who owns an iPhone. I'm addicted, he said, the internet is great on this, very fast.He proceeded to show myself and our film crew his favorite websites."
This sounds like a Civilization victory without going into space. "Victory by Capitalism!!" I like it. Also, Zaif seems to be getting better 3G speeds than most of AT&T's customers. Now there's a good reason to join an extreme political organization : free gadgets with high-speed access. This could be a recruitment tactic. There are, after all, many unemployed people out there. Prep your resume.
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