The Highline renovation had taken a while to finish, but it was worth the wait. It finally opened in the last few weeks. With work calling me to Knoxvegas in the last month, this was my introduction :

Two of my coworkers and myself, all went up to the Highline for our first views and lunch. We would have gone earlier, however, the weather had not been cooperating for the last few days and it had rained. After lunch, we walked downtown on the Highline, to explore.

Sections of the Highline have been left undisturbed, in their post-use condition. Above is some of the fauna that grew in the years since the Highline was in use. Also, there are plaques that identify and describe the fauna.

Here is an eastward view of 14th Street from the Highline. Currently there are not many amenities on the Highline, but there will be soon (bar,entrance to high-end mall, extended uptown,etc). I can't wait.
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