On the eve of the Creative debacle (I spoke of yesterday), I have not as of yet documented the problems I had with Skullcandy. Yes I know, them again. Approximately 2 months ago, the problem that I had with Skullcandy's FMJ earbuds (the jack end goes and sound quality beings to vary with the motion of the cable) reappeared in the replacement set I was given. This time it occured ahead of their previously mentioned 4-6 month life span. On approximately July 27, I put in for another RMA request. Apparently RMA policy has changed and I'm sure the events of the last RMA probably had something to do with it. It read as such :
Hello Insert Name Here,
Your RMA request #Insert RMA Here has successfully been entered into our system.
Our warranty process has two categories:
1) Defective Product: If you believe your Skullcandy product failed due to manufacturing defect, please ship the whole unit to:
Skullcandy Warranty Replacement
1441 W. Ute Blvd Suite #250
Park City, Utah 84098
Please clearly mark your RMA number on the outside of the package. We will happily replace any product that has failed in the line of duty.
But, we know that sometimes our customers do something extreme and break their beloved Skullcandy products. For that, we have option 2:
2) Aggressive Listening/Violent Spills on the Mountain/Accidents/Unfortunate Events of a Damaging Nature: If your Skullcandy product failed because of over-excited use, you can still get a sweet deal.
You may replace any broken product with any existing Skullcandy product at a 50% discount. We don't care how you broke your headphones. As long as you have some identifiable shredded remains of your product, you get a 50% discount off a replacement.
To receive your discount coupon please ship whatever is left of your Skullcandy product to:
Skullcandy 50% Off Replacement
1441 W. Ute Blvd Suite #250
Park City, Utah 84098
Please clearly mark your RMA number on the outside of the package. And, include the story about how your Skullcandy product broke. We like a good story!
**Please do not respond to this message***
If you have any questions about your warranty claim please e-mail customerservice@skullcandy.com For a quicker response, please include your RMA number.
The Skullcandy Team

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