In the midst of my dinner I hear the sirens of a firetruck. I notice, by the lights outside, that it has stopped in front of my building. More sirens are heard. At this time, I peek out the window, to make sure my building isn't on fire.
No smoke. No smoke smell. No firemen trouncing up and down the staircases in the building. No fire I surmised, but what was going on? I go outside to investigate. I wasn't the only one:

From what I could tell, there had recently been a fire at a building on the opposite side & down 44th street from my apartment (@ 414 W.44 St.).
View Larger MapThe smell of burning was still present, though no smoke or flames were visible. It appeared that firemen went into an apartment on the 2nd & 3rd floors (by the broken windows & window frames), as well as a ladder to the roof.

I could not tell if anyone was seriously injured, but the ambulances were stationed on 9th Avenue and were not rushing off, so again I assumed no one was critically injured. It was severe enough to call 5 firetrucks and block off 44th St. from 9th to 10th Avenues.

There's always something going on in Hell's Kitchen, good or bad. It keeps things interesting. Here's the rest of the
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