Reluctantly walking into work this morning, I spotted
Will Ferrel with a stroller & two children (I'm assuming his). He was pushing the stroller towards the large wooden dinning room table in front of the
Green Table of Chelsea Market. As I was getting to work, I walked in front of him and the stroller.

This is an interesting coincidence since I attempted to watch his HBO special last night,
"You're Welcome, America. A Final Night With George W. Bush". I am not a fan of his work. With rare exception, I do not relate to his brand of humor. I'd rather see the 3 Stooges throw some pies or get my wisdom teeth removed while under general anesthesia, than watch Will perform. I will give people the chance to impress me, so I tuned in. Nothing else was on. I was not able to last more than 10 minutes before I changed the channel. His one-man-show is simply an hour long impersonation of the 43rd former president. I find it hard to believe this show sold out, but at the same time I am not surprised. His movies generally do very well commercially. I guess I am just missing that gene/organ that is the origin of American humor. Maybe with the lifting of the ban on stem cell research, I am one day closer to the miracle of understanding that humor. Someday.... someday.
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